Hi Everyone
Teams from Texas and Virginia arrived in Zimbabwe two weeks ago and they have been working on a number of projects.
Below is a list of some of the things they have been doing.
1. Vacation Bible School at Mizpha Primary School and Nyongolo Primary School.
2. The Jesus Film was played at two schools at night with good turn outs. Monde Primary School and Matetsi Boarding School.
3. The Team built outdoor toilets for men and women at three different CommUnity Gardens. The 7 Mile Exchange, Skanda and BH36.
4. The Team went on a Rural Bush CommUnity Food Drive giving out "Hampers of Food" which consists of the
local staple food called Mealie meal, cooking oil, sugar, beans and salt. About 100 families received these Hampers.
Seriously, a number of families had not eaten for 2 days. At one Homestead a Grandmother who is watch over 5 grandchildren
Dropped to her knees in Prayer when we delivered the food say "I have no food for my grandchildren and they will be coming
home from school soon". I can't tell you how many times the Power of God has worked not only in her life for answered prayers
for food but also for many others over the years that...right at the Perfect moment God placed servants of the Most High God
in people's path that have been in Prayer for specific needs for their family. The volunteers who go on these Rural CommUnity
Food Drives get to experience something that will last forever in their minds and hopefully brings
them all back onto the Mission Field.
5. The Team worked really hard with the CommUnity out at the Batoka Clinic which we hope to complete by the end of 2025.
6. The Team went on a day Safari in the neighboring country of Botswana. What a Great treat for the team.
7. The Team gave out sunglasses, reading glasses, Bible verses to over 300 people.
8. We visited a number of the CommUnity Gardens.
9. We visited the Leona Clinic that we build. How awesome was it to meet the Staff and Ambulance Driver and hear all about
how this Clinic is assisting the people in this Rural CommUnity.
10. Thanks for All your Prayers and financial support over the past years. Because of your faithfulness in Giving
the Buy a Brick Foundation continues to make a major Difference in the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands.
11. Please Continue to keep up the Prayers and Financial Support as we can't do this without you. Www.buyabrickfoundation.org
Donations can be received at:
Buy a Brick Foundation
PO Box 818
Fairhope, AL 36533
+ 1 202-359-4900 on WhatsApp